Letter Writing Campaign!
Since March 2020, Tucson residents have enjoyed fare-free transit, thanks to community advocacy. Now, on March 5, Mayor and Council will discuss its future. We need your voice!
Take action:
Contact your City Council Member & Mayor Romero.
Share your support for permanent fare-free transit.
Spread the word: Share bit.ly/YesToFreeTransit.
Use our step-by-step guide for effective letters.
Let's keep Tucson moving forward, together!
Whats the issue?
Led by Councilmember Lane Santa Cruz, in 2020 the City of Tucson eliminated fares on the public transit system. It was in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This policy is set to expire on June 30, 2023. A permanent fare free system is now under consideration, to be discussed by the Mayor and Council before the end of the fiscal year.
For those who rely on public transportation, fares are a barrier limiting the number of rides a person can afford to make daily or weekly. Basic human dignity demands access to groceries, legal and social services, employment opportunities, medical appointments, mental health resources, school and afterschool activities. All Tucsonans need to be able to move freely around our community. The transit system is a public good like roads and libraries and it is time for Tucson to invest in quality, accessible and zero fare transit for all.
Who we are
Transit for All is a coalition working to create an accessible and quality public transit system in Tucson. We are currently focusing on making permanent the current policy that eliminates fares on the system.
We seek to bring together Tucsonans from all walks of life, particularly those who rely on the system, to share why they value public transit and how they use it.